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Ready for things to change?

I aim to guide you safely, gently, and effectively to who you were before you were impacted by the world. The person behind the behaviours, the thoughts, the diagnosis. So that after just a few sessions you will be left with a renewed sense of

confidence, choice, empowerment, connection and peace.

Are you tired of feeling...


  • Constantly overwhelmed and stressed out?

  • Burnout or stuck?

  • Depleted from the constant self-doubt and internal negative dialogue?

  • Depressed, anxious, or in a constant state of fear?

  • Exhausted from being a version of yourself you know you are not?

  • Like you are not the parent you had hoped you would be?

  • Defeated by constantly putting other people's needs before your own?

  • Easily impacted by other people's problems distracting you from your goals?

Common client outcomes:


  • Enhanced emotional regulation â€‹Develop greater emotional intelligence and response flexibility, leading to improved regulation of emotions, comfortable navigation of challenging situations, and reduced overwhelm.

  • Increased self-confidence â€‹Experience a profound shift in self-perception, moving from self-doubt and insecurity to a deep sense of self-worth and confidence in your abilities and value.

  • Transformation of limiting beliefs​ Challenge and transform limiting beliefs, self-defeating patterns, and fear, opening yourself up to new possibilities and pathways for growth and fulfillment.

  • Improved interpersonal relationships​ Foster healthier, more fulfilling relationships characterized by authentic connection, empathy, effective communication, and boundary setting.

  • Re-connection with life and purpose Align with your true purpose and passions, experiencing a profound sense of fulfillment and satisfaction as you live in alignment with your deepest values and aspirations


The modalities I use are powerful evidence-based tools for healing and growth, which, will reconnect you with your body and intuition, leading to a greater sense of peace and well-being. I utilise a holistic approach, favouring connection & healing over formal talk-therapy methods, and provide a safe & compassionate space within which you feel comfortable to transform.


If you are unsure which service is right for you, click here to book a complimentary discovery call where we can discuss your needs and answer any questions you have.

60 minute single session

Experience the transformative power of somatic therapy with a 60-minute single session with me. This initial taster session allows you to experience a gentle and compassionate process and start reaping the benefits immediately. It's also perfect for follow-up sessions if you have a clear intention and are ready to process and integrate on your own.


90 minute single session

Experience deep healing and transformation with a comprehensive 90-minute somatic therapy session with me. This session is designed to release stuck stress and tension from your nervous system, as well as help shift and change unwanted core beliefs. I will also assist you with processing and integrating these changes to help you thrive in your mind, body, and spirit.

1:1 Mentorship Program

3-months of weekly 60 minute online sessions

Embark on a transformational journey with the 1:1 Mentorship Program. Through regular online sessions with me, you’ll experience a gentle unfolding of your true self, peeling back protective layers to reveal your inner resources. Over the course of 3 months, you’ll receive unlimited guidance and support via Voxer, as well as access to any resources created by me in that period. Let’s uncover your true self and your potential together.


Thriving Spirit Program

Kick start your healing journey with this intensive 5 week container

Discover a new path to mental and emotional well-being with the Thriving Spirit Program. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or depleted, or struggling with anxiety or depression, this 5-week program is designed to kick-start your healing journey.


You will receive x5 weekly sessions of 2 hours each (with some flexibility if weekly is not possible - see policy); unlimited voxer (text) and email support in between sessions; access to programs and resources.


Through a deep and personalised exploration of your thoughts and beliefs, you’ll gain valuable insight and practical tools to overcome fear, depression, and anxiety. The comprehensive program will help you to uncover the root of your struggles, shift your thoughts and beliefs and help you to break free from the past for lasting relief.


It’s time to thrive and live your best life.

"I’ve seen more internal shifts, quickly leading to external shifts and been given more practical and effective tools in the few sessions I’ve had with Monica than in years of therapy.


This process targeted the root of my trauma, approaching it from an empowering and compassionate perspective. It identified the heavy loops and stories that I had armoured myself with. This work has left me with an awareness that allows me to live and act in the present moment. It’s taken me out of my mind and has connected me to the wisdom of my body.


I have choice now. Previously my body and my mind would involuntarily move into auto mode- often shutting down to protect myself.

I feel lighter. I feel open. I feel safe.


Thank you so much Monica. I feel like I have had a complete mind, body, soul reset!"

Why work with me...

My Experience
I have 20+ years working in the mental health space, as a clinician, educator and academic.  
A Compassionate Approach
I have an uncanny ability to see the hurt, the pain, the rage behind the facade you put up to the world, that drives your thoughts, reactions and behaviours, and assist you to release it.
Grounded and Motivated
I have an incredibly calm and steady presence and am genuinely interested in assisting you to see the truth of yourself.
I love this work!
I love my work. I look after my body mind and spirit so you are not getting a burnt out therapist, instead, someone who shows up wanting to do the best she can to guide you to the outcomes that I know you are capable of. 
Skillful and Intuitve
I do not guide you anywhere you are not ready to go. Instead using my experience, skill and intuition to know what support you need at any given moment.
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